Graphic Design new

Design for Interaction: User-Friendly Graphics

$14.10 USD

Are your client's customers demanding more? Today's consumers demand more than good-looking design. They want and need designs that work for them, and help them achieve their goals. With technology emphasizing interactivity, good design must relate to its audience.

Design for Interaction: User-Friendly Graphics de-mystifies the elements of good interface design through in-depth looks at 18 different designers who have successfully made the connection between design and customer. From these case studies you'll discover:
--The five golden rules of interface design
--How to meet the demands of speed-demon Web surfers
--How to generate return visits with a truly different Web interface
--The secret to making corporate annual reports lively
--How book design can mirror its readers
--Product design that combines form and function
--How successful environmental design can turn crowds into consumers

By: Lisa Baggerman